Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Rainy Mornings in Bath

I woke up on my first morning in Bath to this view.  I actually really love a good, chilly, wet and rainy day and since I've opted to hunker down in Bath for 5 days, I was in no rush to get out and about to explore.   

Bath is a town full of tea and coffee shops and the ones around Pultney Bridge have some pretty great views. I stopped in the Bridge Coffee Shop and lucked out with a table and a view of the River Avon.  Pultney Bridge is one of just 4 bridges in Europe that has shops on them (two are in Italy--Ponte Vecchio in Florence and Ponte Rialto in Venice) but instead of having jewelry or tourist shops, it has little shops and restaurants. That's my kind of bridge. 

I loved this little shop so much, that I've been back every day, either for a pastry and cappuccino for brekkie, or just to escape the chill for a bit with a pot of tea and a little Persuasion on my Kindle.  What else would one read in Bath?  

I think the wet chill in this country is probably the driver for the copious amounts of tea consumed in this country.  There's something just so toasty, oasty and comforting about sitting in front of a window with a pot of tea while the rain pours down. 

See that white little window on the far left--right next to the copyright symbol?  That's the window--how awesome is that view?

Alas, one can only sit in the coffee shop for so long on vacation before you feel the need to get up and so I visited the Jane Austen Centre.   I hadn't planned on visiting as I'd heard it was rather smallish and more about Bath during the time of JA...I'll admit that it wasn't all that impressive or worth the entry fee (sorry Jane).   They do however, have the new wax figure of Jane which I thought would be worth seeing.  In light of the pouring rain..why not right?

The JA Centre worked with an FBI forensic artist to create a likeness.  Ah, dear Jane.

Apparently, Jane is replacing Darwin on the 10£ note.  Survival of the fittest of course...as a writer who used irony so well in her works, you know Jane would enjoy that.


Lila said...

Ha, ha. My sister would go to that museum too but I prefer the fine writings of authors of teen books. :) I love the rainy window pictures, they are gorgeous and I also really love your leather messenger bag. Wow, so beautiful!

Lila said...

Bath is one of my favorite places and you make rainy days sounds so lovely! I love that little cafe on the bridge too and it was never overly touristed because everyone was either on the water or near the abbey when I'm there. I also agree with you that the JAC is not worth it but then the wax figure wasn't there last year.

Lila said...

We'd heard about the wax figure as they were making it, and we discussed it in book club even. I haven't headed over to see it yet but we usually try to get away from London to Bath at least once in the spring and once in the autumn when the crowds have died down a bit. It looks like now is a lovely time. We Londoners are used to the rain but we'll definitely have to pop into that coffee shop for a cream tea.

Lila said...

We are leaving for England next week and I talked my husband into going to Bath. He likes the quiet countryside so we'll probably rent a car but we are staying in the heart of Bath. Can't wait!

Lila said...

I love rainy days but only when I'm not traveling or wanting to get things done. This looks so cozy and I love the Jane wax figure!

Melody said...

looks wonderful...a little piece of heaven on earth...I could sit in that tea shop all day I think! :)

Lila said...

Jane, Jane, Jane. I just finished reading Pride and Prejudice for the 10th time. It would be better to read it in Bath, what a beautiful city!

Lila said...

Oh wow, I really love the rain photos through the window and how you can just barely see the person with the black umbrella. I love the perspective of those!