Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Long Road Home...

seems even longer if you decide to move yourself. Is the better question here "Can my life really be packed up into a 16 foot truck" or "does my life really require an entire 16 foot truck?"  I was leaning toward the 2nd question as the movers got all of my crap things packed tightly into the truck.  Truthfully I was a little embarrassed and wondered if I might need intervention from the Hoarders production staff. 

While moving myself via a big truck was not my first plan, my brothers offered to come out to Vegas and drive me back...and then my mom offered and before I knew it, we had a little road trip caravan planned.  It wasn't too bad split over two days and were able to spend a bit of time in Zion National Park along the way. 

Just a little side note here that my awesome brothers drove this beast 800+ miles without incident.  I drove it less than 3 to return it and took out the left side by driving onto the top of the gas station concrete barriers that protect the pump.  Yep, it was a sight to behold (and snicker at). 

Before we left Vegas, a few touristy things with the family....

 From the top of the dam.

Then, from the top of the bridge 

A gantt chart immortalized in bronze.  

And Zion.  I have to say that it might just be the most beautiful National Park I've ever been too.  Since I'm saving most of the photos for a Lightroom class I'm taking, these are minimally edited--the sky really was that blue--photoshopped by God.

You can hike up the river canyons here...I wish we'd had time.

And Utah during sunrise.  Love sunrise. 


Lila said...

Such lovely photos and places! So sorry to hear about the truck, sounds like something i might do myself which is why my hubs does most of the driving. :) Hope you settle in quickly!

Lila said...

So happy you are back online and getting settled in. Can't wait to see what you cook up next!

Anonymous said...

A gantt is an interEsting thing to add to a display! That's funny actually. Sucks about he truck but love the pics.

Bronwyn said...

just gorgeous photos as always. So glad you are back on your blog now, we've missed your posts!! Ugh on the truck for sure!

Lila said...

Zion is so beautiful! Wow! Hope it was a good move other than the truck incident! Glad you are back!

Melody said...

glad you made it back to Denver safely, although big bummer about the truck! Good luck with your new job! Looks like it was a fun family road trip!

Lila said...

Looks like such a pretty trip! Glad you are moved and were safe despite the truck mishap. Yuck!

Lila said...

I just started reading your blog in the past year after I saw your Apple Fritter muffins all over Pinterest (my friend and I each made them and LOVED them by the way!!) so didn't realize you were from Denver! Woohoo for Denver girls! Welcome back!

Ellie said...

What a cool photo of the street and what a cool color it is! Is that in Utah too? Love all the photos and glad you are settling in!

sophia said...

Looks like an awesome trip even if it was a move. I love all of the photos!

Bonjour! said...

,,,welcome home mary! enjoy your new digs, new employer, and familiar surroundings!,,,

Lila said...

Glad you had a nice move (aside from the truck thing). Sorry about that but glad you are settling in! I love Colorado, it's one of our favorite family road trip vacations.