Monday, July 20, 2009

Spongebob's Nose Tastes Great

I can't say I know exactly what the appeal was, but Spongebob's nose was repeatedly and systematically removed and eaten. Why wouldn't you really?

For those who were wondering, marshmallow fondant was a hit. I took a dozen of these little guys, with olfactory organs intact, into the office. I noticed them disappearing, but there was no fondant to be found on napkins or in garbage cans. As it turns out, marshmallow fondant IS quite tasty, to both children and former children alike.


Lynn said...

Okay, these are the cutest cupcakes EVAH! What I want to know, is did you make them? Or buy them? If you did make them then please share how you did it. Also, about the marshmallow fondant, did you make that? And if so, can you share that recipe? Please. I love these cupcakes. I do believe you are the most clever person on the internet!

Lynn said...

Okay disregard my above comment! I am starting from the top of your blog and commenting as I go. I did not realize the next entry is all about making the cupcakes! LOLOL My bad.

Leslie said...

silly....did you have any doubts that these would be a hit?

Brown Family Blog said...

I would probably eat the noses first too! :O) They really are awesome, Mary.

Ashley said...

These cupcakes are adorable! You are SO creative

Lisa is Bossy said...

Oh I love it!! How fun and adorable! It WAS really tasty, huh?