Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Orange Slush

Amanda over at posted a pretty fantastic post today on choosing lenses and she covers a lot of the topics people ask when beginning to look at lenses for their DSLRs.  If you are ever wondering what all of those numbers on the lens actually means, she explains that too...she even tells you how to say the lens name.  Awesome. 

The one thing she didn't mention about aperture was that the other reason for purchasing a lens with a lower number (like an f/ 2.8, 1.8, 1.4  or 1.2) is that it lets in more light. Bokeh is good stuff, but getting more light is pretty sensational too. Going from an f/4 to an f/2.8 (one whole f/stop) doesn't sound all that impressive until you also hear that this one additional full f/stop lets in twice as much light.  Same from going from f/2.8 to f/2, and f/2 to f/1.4.  

Melissa Jill also did a pretty great lens review series too if you are wondering what kind of images particular L series lenses produce.   Her site is also great for just reading about how cool some peeps are.  She has one of those sites that makes you wish you were friends with her--if I were a photographer I'd stalk attend each and every workshop she gives even if they contain the same material because, yep, she's that cool.

That's all really just a side note but wanted to share Amanda's post today for anyone that hadn't seen it--she does a great job of explaining the differences if lenses and aperture are new to you. Plus she has Bostons so that makes her pretty cool peeps too. 

So, Orange Slush. 


When we were growing up, this was an adult drink at family holidays but it was so good that we'd beg for sips.  Then we'd sneak drinks.  We thought we were quite stealth actually. Now that we're old enough to drink this at will, we still just save it for the holidays.  I've adjusted it quite a bit by removing 2 cups of sugar because I think the lemonade, OJ and Sprite add more than enough sweetness but if you like your drinks super sugary sweet, after making the tea, boil the remaining 6 cups of water, add 2 cups of sugar and stir until dissolved and then cool along before proceeding. I removed that step from the recipe below. 

Along with Orange Slush at the holidays comes lights of course.  This place has looked like Christmas for quite a few weeks now.  I fear I'll be wrapping gifts in red and white paper forever because of the sheer abundance of it sitting in my closet. I added a bit of aqua to the mix this year. 

Have you seen these cute little wine scarves and hats?  Kitschy?  Yes.  Awesome?  Oh yeah.  I'd thought to knit a set myself at one point but Cost Plus World Market sells them for $3.99.  You can't beat that and pretty cute way to gift wine I'd say. 

Have you tried Saltines Toffee?  Versions of the recipe are all over the web--I  used a super duper easy recipe found at Make Life Delicious.  So seriously easy that I thought it couldn't possibly work.  It took me less than 15 mins to prepare and the entire tin was empty at the end of one work day. 

What Christmas is complete without cutouts?

Or  Christmas lights?  In true Las Vegas style, the lights here are pretty spectacular.  I'd liken it to  Denver Zoolights back home, if they took all the lights in the zoo exhibit and then smushed them all together into just a small one block area.  Is it any surprise that Vegas is over the top with lights?  Me likey.

And Her Rotteness's Christmas photos.  I take so many pictures of this dog that when she sees the camera she just comes over and sits in front of me.  She'll do anything for treats, even wear this Christmas collar. 

Orange Slush

1 1/2 c. whiskey
1 lg. can frozen orange juice concentrate
1 lg. can frozen lemonade concentrate
8 c. water
3 tea bags 
2 liters of Sprite
  1. Heat 2 cups of the water and brew 3 tea bags for 4 minutes.  Cool completely. 
  2. Combine tea, water, whiskey, OJ and lemonade concentrates and stir. Pour into large plastic bowl with lid or gallon ziplocs and freeze.
  3. Stir occasionally to break up ice crystals. Freeze for at least 24 hours
  4. When ready to serve add frozen contents to punch bowl or large pitcher, add Sprite and stir


Lila said...

Sweet sweet puppy!

Thanks for the link to the lens post! I've always found all of those numbers to be way way too confusing so I ask for advice on a lens to purchase without ever really learning why a lens would be a good choice.

Anonymous said...

We had a similar slush in our house growing up but I think it had vodka instead of whisky. I'd forgotten all about it until now but definitely going to make this!

Love christmas lights too. they are just so festive.

Lila said...

Forget christmas cookies, bring on the christmas drinks! :)

Brooklyn is a very good subject. I'm going to to have to try treats with my pup Baxter.

sophia said...

Christmas is so happy, love your red and aqua Christmas! and your gifts under the tree. So pretty!

Merry Christmas and happy holiday season!

Bronwyn said...

Christs posts are my favorite. Just too much puppy cuteness, sparkly light fabulousness and yummy treats!

Monica said...

Awww Brooklyn is just too darn cute. We were singing a song yesterday about people we knew, and Bella decided that we should also sing about Brooklyn. I found a little red and white paper at home the other day - thinking I should I rewrap your gift from Bella:)?

Lila said...

I read Amanda's post yesterday too and learned a lot. I asked for the Canon 50 mm 1.4 for christmas and now I know what the 1.4 actually means! :)

Your boston is absolutely adorable. I wish mine would sit quietly and patiently for photos!

sophia said...

Falalalalalalala! Love all of the lights and the Xmas cheer!

Grammie/Mom said...

Merry Christmas, Mary! You've done a great job with your tree and wreaths. The red shoe adds just the right touch to the tree! I might have to look up the recipe for the Saltine Toffee. I'm all for quick and easy goodies.

Melody said...

Your tree is beautiful! I love Saltine cracker toffee - it is delicious! And Brooklyn is cute as is she doing these days? Any more health issues?

the slush is on my list to make when I return to AK... :)

have fun in CO! Sad that we're missing seeing each other!

Lila said...

I think I had a similar if not the same slush at a holiday party and the hostess actually refused to share what was in it!! Who has secret recipes if you are not a company making money off of it???!!! I was mad can you tell? Can't wait to try this!!

Lila said...

I saw your tree on Pinterest and had to stop over and tell you that I love your red and aqua tree. Love it!

Lila said...

Such a pretty tree and such a cute puppy! I love Boston Terriers, they are so funny!

Robin said...

Just happened on your blog by hitting 'next blog'above. Love the red, white and turquoise tree. Was just trying to convince my sister that red and turquoise go together like red and purple but she didn't buy it! So pretty.

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