Friday, February 17, 2012

White Bean Coconut Loaf

There hasn't been as much cooking and baking happening in my kitchen as I'd like, but as I alluded to in a previous post, there was a reason.  It looks a little like this...

Most of my pans and baking dishes have been packed up since right around the beginning of the year. I hate moving.  I know it's probably not anyone's favorite activity, but I really hate it.  The only way I could get through the idea of packing everything was to force myself to pack 2-3 boxes every night.  Here we are almost two months later and there are a lot of boxes stacking up in this apartment.  Since I did just give notice, I can officially say I'm moving back to Denver next month.  

I've loved spending more time with my sis and watching little Chipmunk grow so quickly.  I've loved the development opportunities in my position here in Vegas and and how they've stretched me as a professional.  However, when my former company contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in hearing about a new position, I definitely listened.  When they offered a position-- I couldn't resist,  I didn't.   Offer letter was signed on the dotted line and the planning begun.  It's odd because as I think of going back to Colorado in the coming weeks, this entire past year in Las Vegas kind of fades into a blur and almost feels like it was just my imagination. Going back to Denver feels just more like reality.  It's hard to explain really. 

Part of moving does always involve cleaning out the pantry and fridge.  I saw a recipe for a vanilla white bean cake awhile back so decided to use up a can of beans and give it a twist and try.  One can down, 230 more cans to go. 

Coconut flour is a fun ingredient.  It has a subtle coconut flavor and a pretty phenomenal texture when used for baking.  Love using it for coconut pancakes as well. 

The ingredients in the loaf are relatively healthy.  You can leave it that way or opt for a rich chocolate glaze.  I glazed.  And then I glazed some more.

Using beans in this recipe made a loaf that was so moist that it was just as tender and moist three days later.  Not even a smidgen of dryness. Awesome. 

White Bean Coconut Loaf

1 can white beans, drained and rinsed
4 eggs
1/3 cup coconut
1 tsp coconut extract
1 tsp vanilla paste or extract
1/3 cup honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/3 cup coconut flour, sifted
1 tsp baking soda
1.5 tsp baking powder
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare loaf pan by greasing and flouring
  2. Add beans, eggs, coconut, extracts, honey and salt to food processor bowl and puree well
  3. Add melted coconut oil, coconut flour, baking soda, baking powder to food processor and pulse to mix thoroughly, but do not over mix
  4. Bake at 325 for 45-55 minutes or until cake tester inserted into middle comes out clean
  5. Let cool 10 minutes before removing from pan and allowing to cool completely
Chocolate Ganache Glaze
6 oz semisweet chocolate
2/3 cup cream
  1. Pour cream into heavy saucepan and heat until almost boiling
  2. Turn off heat, add chocolate and whisk until all chocolate is melted
  3. Pour over cooled loaf


Lila said...

Looks so delicious! I love that it has beans and no flour so I can make it for my son!

Congrats on the new job!!

sophia said...

so exciting for you! Yippee skippy on the new job and what an incredible testimony to you that your former employers would go to such lengths to have you back!

Love the idea of this cake!

Lila said...
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Lila said...

So had not heard you were coming back but then again not so good with keeping up with the times. Are you going back to Nordstrom? Still project management work? Let's catch up when you are back in town!

Lila said...

Such exciting news. I love Colorado so am so jealous! Way to go and hoping your move goes smoothly!
This bread looks so delicious!

Ellie said...

Wow what a huge change again but sounds like a super happy change! That's very exciting and there's always something very flattering about being asked back. Never burn bridges in the corporate world I say!

Lila said...

that is so fantastic!! you must be thrilled, it sounds like a great opportunity! as a habitual mover I will agree that moving bites big time. :( but hooray for promotions!

Melody said...

glad everything is official!! and the bread looks so good! Congrats again on the new job and heading back to Denver!

Grammie/Mom said...

Congratulations, Mary, on the promotion and move!

The cake looks good..especially with the chocolate glaze. I have everything but the coconut items in the cabinet. Maybe someday I'll try it.

Lila said...

Way to go, such exciting news! I think I'm going to be making a bean cake this weekend!

Lila said...

I saw a recipe for black bean brownies but never beans in cake. This sounds so walla walla bing bang!

Monica said...

Sad post:( But I wish you all the happiness back in Denver. It was a wonderful year. Chipmunk and I are all the better for having gotten to spend so much time with you this year!

Leslie said...

this recipes intrigues me!!!

i am glad that you are happy about the move. that helps when moving. because moving s%$ks

Shannon Hardin said...

You know, I suspected that you originally moved from Denver to Las Vegas simply because you wanted to be closer to Trader Joe's. Now, within a couple of weeks from the time that it was announced that the first Trader Joe's in Colorado was going up in Boulder, you announce you are moving back.

Coincidence? I think not.