Monday, June 29, 2009

Daring Bakers June Danish Braid

Once upon a time I noticed quite a few bloggers posting the same scrumptious recipe photos on the same exact date. These Daring Bakers are a somewhat secretive society whose mission is to try the same recipe and then inundate the web with photos of the most fabulous looking baked goods. I started anticipating their monthly postings--wondering what would appear at the reveal. And then I just really wanted to be in the know and bake whatever secret thing they were all baking that month. So I joined the Daring Bakers and completed my first challenge this month...danish braid chosen by Kelly of Sass and Veracity and Ben of What's Cooking The rules for the danish braid? Follow the chosen recipe and fill it with any homemade filling of choice.

This recipe called for cardamom which is a somewhat gingery, cinnammony spice--it's unique enough that it's hard to describe, but once you use it, you'll identify it in other foods immediately. I purchased whole green pods and extracted the little black seeds myself. The scent of those little seeds carried through the entire place. The dough also called for orange zest and a vanilla bean I luckily had on hand. Using whole vanilla beans is truly decadent and is miles above extract.

This was not my first danish dough recipe, but it was a new technique for incorporating all of the butter. This was a mixture of butter and flour that was spread over a yeasted dough. The butter was a bit soft at first since it was at room temperature for spreading. After a book fold, you roll it out and fold again and refrigerate. Repeating this a few times creates a very flaky and buttery dough.

Once I had completed my final turn, I pulled it from the refrigerator and rolled it out. I had originally planned on a marzipan and peach filling, but had volunteered at the Passionate Palette the night before. The owners, Ben and Jen, had a recipe for a fritter that was filled with almond, raspberries and chocolate and it was sinfully delicious. I executed a scope change on this project immediately. That's nerddom at it's finest.

This smell was excruciatingly delicious during baking. A couple of my braids came a bit loose, but between Minxaroo and me...well, we didn't care. Actually she could not have cared less.

It was a great first challenge...and was absolutely delicious. I think that next time around I'll either leave the cardamom out, or do a more complimentary filling. I'd also love to try it without and see how much the vanilla bean shines without the cardamom. Cardamom is probably fabulous with an apple filling, which is what the recipe originally suggested.


Ann said...

Congrats on your first challenge! Looks great!
Ann at Redacted Recipes

Michelle said...

Wecome to Daring Bakers!! Fabulous braid!!!

Robyn said...

Great job on your first challenge!

Leslie said...

Mary, that is great!! What a fun thing to do, and it looks like you came through on that challenge with flying colors!!

Shannon Hardin said...

That would have made a much better breakfast than what I actually had.

Was that one of your Christmas vanilla beans? I was going back to the Savory Spice Shop soon and was hoping to get your review on the Tahitian beans beforehand. I'm going to get one or two of the Tahitian, and one or two of the Madagascar, and cook the same recipe changing only the beans, to see if I can detect any real difference.

Susie Homemaker said...

Hi! i am new to DB too - and I HAVE to have that raspberry chocolate filling recipe! Can you share? Please? Pretty Please? Just email it to me if you don't mind!

~Amber~ said...

Welcome to the Daring Bakers. Your dansih is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Thank heaven's for "nerddom", that filling is making salivate like mad!!! Why'd ya wait so long to join??? Wonderful and beauteous first challenge!!!!

Mary said...

The Daring Bakers are so friendly. :)

Shannon--tis indeed the vanilla you gifted me with. I was thinking of a similar experiment, so if you conduct it, do share your results!

Susie Homemaker--I will e-mail you the recipe tonight. Please let me know if you do not receive it.

Anonymous said...

Wow - chocolate almond and raspberries? Inspired! Congratulations on your first Daring Bakers Challenge!

Tara the Foodie said...

Great looking braid! It looks so good! I love your cat...

Nicole said...

It looks so good! Cheers for last minute inspiration!

Lorrie said...

you did a fabulous job, your photos are amazing. Your braid is perfect!

Pam said...

Looks beautiful and tasty too.

breadchick said...

Welcome aboard and great job on your first challenge. LB, my cat would have preferred tuna as well....

silverrock said...

Wow! Your danish braid looks superb, so professionally done. The filling idea of almonds, raspberries and chocolate sounds divine. Great job on your first DB challenge! Can't wait to see what next week has in store :)

Angela said...

Wow, that looks positively luscious! Congratulations on your first challenge!

Angela @ A Spoonful of Sugar

Grammie/Mom said...

Hi Mary, it's Leslie's mom. I've been reading your blog for a few months now and today I have to add my 1st comment. The braid looks wonderful!! I'm almost inspired to try it myself. Almost. :) I really enjoy your blog--the photography, the commentary--very interesting Mary.

Mary said...

I'm glad you said hi! How have you been?

You know, you should consider Daring Bakers...the instructions are completely spelled out, This one even had an instrucitonal video and there's a member board if you run into any questions, and you have an entire month to think about/or bake it. :) We only share a reveal date--you can bake it anytime in the month and keep it for posting on the reveal date. It was lot's of fun.....

Anonymous said...

What a great first challenge! Welcome to the Daring Bakers!

Unknown said...

WOW...what a filling! Looks delicious.

Lunch Buckets said...

Welcome to the somewhat secretive society!

Jen Yu said...

Oh, what a fantastic job you did on your first challenge! Congratulations. I LOVE the kitty photo :) so cute!!

Miss Ifi said...

Okie.. so I am drooling over your filling.. cause it looks sooo darn good and your pictures are amazing!!
I am sooo glad you've joined our group and I hope you enjoy all of the challenges!!! Welcome and Congratulations on your first challenge!