Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blackened Salmon with Spicy Fresh Mango-Pineapple Chutney

I'm in training this week and it's odd how sitting still and listening can actually be exhausting.  I haven't come home in the mood to prep and cook so was looking for something fast and easy.   This meal, straight from Rachael Ray's cookbook Book of 10, (Cookbook #83--woohoo!) is a quick one. 

I'll admit to not being the biggest Rachael Ray lover.  Once however, I was browsing through a friend's cookbook and I was surprised to see that many of her recipes actually sound pretty fantastic.   This cookbook has 30 top ten lists and recipes in categories such as: Super Easy, Family Faves, Comfort Foods, Sammies, Soups and many others.  Chipotle Chicken Rolls with Avocado Dipping Sauce?  Yes. Pretzel-Crusted Chicken Breasts with Cheddar-Mustard Sauce?  Okay.  Pumpkin-Peanut Curry Noodles with Five-Spice Seared Scallops? Sold!

Love the spicy-sweet fruit salsa which was a welcome contrast to the blackened salmon.  I of course made a few changes....fresh pineapple instead of canned, added a bit diced roasted red pepper for color, used thai bird chilies instead of jalapeños and grilled the salmon.  Rachael's recipe called for sautéing the salmon but I am a grilling queen these days.  I blackened the salmon because I always have a jar of blackening spice I make in large batches...it was easier to toss that on instead of read what Rachael wanted me to season the salmon with.  I call it lazy interpretation. 

Little shy of photos for this post.  Too. Tired. To. Take. Photos.  I did sit still for many hours after all. 

Blackened Salmon with Spicy Fresh Mango-Pineapple Chutney
adapted from Book of 10 by Rachael Ray

3 tablespoons olive oil
1 small yellow or red onion, chopped
1-2 jalapeno pepper, seeds and membrane removed, chopped(I used 3 Thai bird chilies)
Salt and pepper
1.5 c fresh pineapple diced in 1/2 cubes
2 tablespoons honey
2 thicker salmon fillets, about 8 ounces each
1-2 tbsps blackening spice
1 ripe mango, diced
2 tbsp finely diced roasted red pepper
Juice of 1 lime
1/4 cup fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped

  1. Heat grill on medium-high and lightly grease
  2. Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a medium sized saucepan
  3. Add the onion and jalapeño and season with salt and pepper to to saucepan. Cook until onions are translucent, about 5-7 minutes
  4. Add the pineapple, honey, and 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil and then down to a gentle simmer for 3-4 minutes
  5. Add cilantro, mango, red pepper and lime juice to pineapple. Stir and remove from heat. Season salmon with blackening spice and place on grill. Grill 5-7 minutes each side
  6. Remove from heat and serve with with chutney


Melissa @ Treats With a Twist said...

Everything about this sounds wonderful. I love a good piece of salmon and I love spicy mango salsas, so this is definitely right up my ally. Sounds refreshing for the hotter weather too.

Lila said...

I definitely agree. This recipe sounds wonderful and I love fruit salsas as well. Sounds superb with the blackened grilled salmon!

sophia said...

yummy yummy yummy for my tummy. my kids really like salmon which makes me a happy momma but they like it plain. this is a great way to mix it up a bit for my husband and I. love the colors!

Lila said...

Fruit salsas with chicken or fish is one of my favorites. I actually make your cherry salsa for chicken a lot and my kids love it too! I think I'll try this without all of the pepper so that they'll eat it. They love pineapple!

Lila said...

Looks so yummy! Salmon is a favorite in our kitchen and the only fish my husband and kids will both eat. Adding fruit to the menu only makes it better! Wow!

Lila said...

Love fresh flavored foods. My husband likes casseroles and long cooking stuff. We have kind of a system worked out so we can both have our favorites. This is going on one of my menus!

Ellie said...

We love blackened salmon and eat it at least every few weeks. I'll be sure to surprise my hubs with some pineapple mango chutney next time! Yum, yum!

Lila said...


Lila said...

We made this last night but I grilled the pineapple with the salmon and it was sooooo good! I left out the jalapeños as well and my kids ate it on chicken! Thanks for sharing this!

Dalia said...

HI. Where can I find this blackening spice?

Colleen said...

Mary, I think I should share this recipe with my husband. He's all about grilling seafood this year.


Lila said...

This is right up my alley. I love salmon especially and fruit salsas always make fish taste superb!

Brooklyn Blood said...

Making it tonight - wish me luck!!!