Sunday, April 29, 2012

Denver Zoo Day

I've been back in Denver for well over a month now and it's been such a whirlwind that I haven't had all that much time to see my favorite little Peanut.  Who is actually not really peanut-like these days.  I can't believe she starts kindergarten in the fall.  Crazy. 

Peanut came over for a sleepover and we did all the required sleepover things....made play dough, ate ice cream and watched Disney movies.  I was reprimanded for falling asleep during Snow White.  I would contend that I didn't stand a chance...Snow White and the Prince are quite possibly the most vanilla prince and princess out there. Definitely no Belle or Beast.

I thought trying out an oatmeal creme brûlée for breakfast might be a fun morning in the kitchen. Aprons went on...some of us wore them for actual cooking, others danced around in them.  Sometimes you do have to dance it out in the kitchen. 

I'd seen oatmeal creme brûlée on a menu once and was bad can it be right?  And obviously it's way healthy if the bottom half is oatmeal.  Loved the concept and the idea but not so much the execution--it was a little eggy.  Have to give it another try and will post the recipe when I get it right. 

It is quite fun to behold and there's nothing like pulling out a torch in the morning.  

Peanut was not so intrigued.  After many attempts at trying to convince her to taste the oatmeal creme brûlée or pineapple upside down pancakes, she ended up with what she wanted the entire time...plain pancakes and yogurt.  What are you gonna do, right?  

Yes plain pancakes are so much better than anything else I made.  

The Denver Zoo hasn't changed much over the years.  They are finishing up an elephant exhibit but otherwise, it's exactly as I remember, except smaller.  Of course the carousel is a must...and always a highlight.  The biggest smiles of the morning...

Since I once posted a photo of an exotic creature I saw on a work trip to Bozeman only to be told it was a cow, I'll refrain from trying to properly name any of the below.  I might have an idea of what they are, but I wouldn't count on it.  

Blue bird with stylish feathers.  

Snuggly little scaly guy.  Love those fingers.

Mustache imp.

One of the bear types.  

Cuddly kitty.

Boston Terror...fiercest of all canine americans. Obviously.


Lila said...

I can hardly believe that's the same Peanut from your older posts! She is so big but still cute as a button!

You had me at Creme brûlée for breakfast!

Lila said...

I remember that post and I didn't know it was a cow either if that makes you feel better! :)

Peanut is sooo big now!

Ellie said...

What an absolute sweetheart!! And I think the Boston terror is obviously the fiercest. Can't wait for our first zoo trip!

Lila said...

I can't believe that's the same little Peanut! And creme brûlée for breakfast? wowsa! yummy!

Lila said...

I grew up in Denver and really miss that Zoo. I think it's all of the childhood memories there! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Monica said...

Awww! I was waiting for some Peanut pics. Without you I get zero pics. Looks like a fun sleepover and trip to the zoo. I remember the Denver zoo being huge too!

Melody said...

looks like a fun weekend being Auntie...and that last animal is so scary!

Brown Family Blog said...

that post just made me smile. :)