Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 4th Celebrations

Independence Day falls right behind Christmas in the race for my favorite holiday.  Now, nothing can ever compare with Christmas so it's not even a real race, but that's not the 4th of July's fault.   If Christmas wasn't so warm and festive and jolly and snowy and cozy, well, the 4th would easily slide into first place. 

What's not to love?  Flags, americana, sparklers, fireworks, barbecues, parades and watermelon--yes, this is a happy day of the year indeed.  When I lived in NY, my friends and I always had a little 4th of July road trip each year...DC, Boston Pops, Virginia Beach, Philly, NYC...all cities that know how to celebrate the 4th in style. 

This year I was craving a little 4th of July road trip and headed back to America's heartland to visit family in Iowa.  Different kind of feeling than DC, but there's a lot to be said for small town charm. 

This was the first place I have full memories of as a child.  We lived exactly where I am standing to take this photo.  I remember the lake being more massive and well, lake like. Needless to say, I grew up with a fishing pole in my hand--a Snoopy one to be precise.  While the charms of fishing have eluded me since then, there's nothing like visiting old haunts to stir up a little nostalgia. 

And this is just a ways up the road....

I love a great worn barn.

And of course the food part of the post.  This is another Pinterest special--who of us didn't pin the bacon wrapped corn onto one of our boards?  This is one of the few Pinterest pins I've actually executed and it was yummy as bacon always is.  

It did however make a ginormous mess and grease fire in the barbecue.  Just  a little warning for you. 

Hope all who celebrated had a wonderful and safe 4th!


Lila said...

Happy fourth to you to! I have the corn pinned on my board as well but wondered if it would make a big mess. Good to know!

Lila said...

Aw, just fun! I love all family type holidays and we do have great fireworks here in Washington! This looks like a fun time!

Lila said...

Oh, and I grew up by a lake too and it was the best times ever!

Lila said...

what a pretty vacation. i love barns the most and would love to just wander around some farms taking pictures. very nice!

Lila said...

I made these two and they were an awful mess in the grill but so delicious! I used two pieces of bacon on each cob and good thing because they really shrunk. :(

Monica said...

Glad you had a nice trip. Love the lake and barn pic. Would love to see more pics - maybe you can share some on Picasa? Also dying to know how you did the sparkler words.

Lila said...

Looks like a fun time. I grew up in the midwest so appreciate the landscape too. Love the corn and bacon and especially love the sparkler pic!