Saturday, September 21, 2013

Afternoon in Vail

When I started out my career I worked in nonprofit, and at one org, we had an annual sponsor-funded weekend retreat in Vail. This was a highly anticipated weekend each year because when you work at a 501(c)3 and earn a 501(c) salary, Vail is not always the first place you head for a long weekend. 

My friend Mel is in town from Alaska and we'd planned to head up and see the fall leaves.  We pushed it off for a weekend because the leaves weren't cooperating.  And then we pushed it off for another.  Since she's heading back this week, we headed up for lunch even though the reports were that the fall colors had not arrived yet.  We kept our fingers crossed just in case the reports were wrong.  

Not so much...

We couldn't really complain though since Vail is a charming town regardless of whether it's covered in winter snow, the green trees of summer or the golden aspens of fall.  

And look who is feeling much, much better--well enough to bat her brown puppy eyes in hopes that some chicken will come her way. Vail is a dog friendly town and you can easily find a patio to sit under the high country sun and enjoy lunch, while the pups sun themselves under the table. 

I've learned that having this particular dog with me does seriously limit my ability to take actual photos--I grabbed a snapshot when I could and hoped I didn't get pulled over by 18 lbs of excited energy.  She's lucky she's cute. 

I've missed this town with its clean pine scented mountain air, charming shops and coffee stops. Vail, Breckenridge and all of the Summit really is just a relatively short drive from Denver.  I really can't say why I don't head up there more often. 

Drama queen doesn't beat around the bush--when she's done walking, she's done walking and will let you drag her across the grass exactly like this before she will walk on her own. It only takes a shaded patch of grass to convince her that walking is for chumps.

I see her wounds and shaved spots all over and her big toothy smile and know we were very lucky last weekend. 


sophia said...

My dog plops on the ground during walks and refuses to move as well! I'm so glad to see that she's feeling better!

Lila said...

Aaah Brooklyn! I was so sad to read about her attack but she looks so good for just a week later!

Wow, Vail is a stunning town! It's on our bucket list but not sure we could afford to stay there. :(

Lila said...

Even your snapshots are gorgeous! We were in Vail two years ago and absolutely loved it. We stayed near the village and could almost ski right to our hotel and then we had some of the best food ever for dinner!

I'm so glad Brooklyn is doing good!

Lila said...

Yay, so glad Brooklynn is doing better! She is such a sweetie and I was so sad to read about her attack. Boo! I love seeing her smiling though!

Lila said...

We were driving back on I70 yesterday with my friends in town and it was snowing yesterday up near the tunnel. It was gorgeous but it seemed too soon! Your dog is adorable. I read what happened to her last week and that was horible. Glad shes okay!

Lila said...

That is so hysterical. My Jax does the same thing when he's done walking but he's quite a bit heavier than Brooklyn so it's a battle to get him home or back to the car. Vail is beautiful and glad Brooklyn is doing better!

Lila said...

Wow, so pretty! I've never been to Vail but we skied at Beaver Creek last year and were told it was really close to Vail. I think we may have passed Vail on the shuttle up to Beaver Creek. This is such amazing country and scenery in the mountains!

Lila said...

This is going to sound cray cray but we were in Vail this weekend and I think I saw you guys. I saw a Boston that had shaved spots and healing wounds and with the green harness in the pictures but I wasn't sure at the time if it was you or not since you almost never post pictures of yourself. Were you wearing black leggings, brown riding boots, denim shirt and Burberry scarf? If so, I LOVED the outfit and you are gorgeous girl! Love your blog too!

Lila said...

Wha?? What happened to Brooklyn? I should read this oldest to newest I think. :)

atvmtngirl said...

Looks like you, Mel and Brooklyn had a fun day trip to the mountains!

Mary said...

No way!! That sounds exactly like what I was wearing that day! Thanks for the super kind words Sarah--you definitely should have said "hi." Hope you had a wonderful day in Vail--it was such a gorgeous one!