Sunday, March 16, 2014

Parmesan Kale Salad

The longer I've been away from the blog, the harder it is to get back on here.  Same excuse as's been crazy busy around these parts.

Denver has had its typical pre-spring weather....snow, 70 degrees, snow, sunshine, melted snow, 70 degrees.  I have to admit that I'm actually a fan of changing weather....the variety of the 4 seasons is precisely what I missed so much when I lived in Vegas for a year.

The sneak previews of spring warmth just call out for a nice big salad for dinner.  I never thought it would be a Kale salad in my house though.

For someone who adores produce so much, it hurts a little to admit I don't like Kale.  I've tried it in salads, in my smoothies and always, yuck, yuck, yuck.  I think it reminds me of all the times I had to break down the salad bar when I worked at a restaurant in high school.  We'd save the decorative Kale full of slop to decorate the salad bar the next day.  Yum.

My friend invited me to meet her for lunch at True Food Kitchen in Cherry Creek a few weekends ago.  Other friends had told me that True Food could turn me into a Kale lover...I was so not convinced. Aside from the little fact that parking in Cherry Creek is about as fun as a trip to the dentist,  I'd have to say that I loved True Food and their healthy whole foods menu.  The carrot ginger lemonade was pretty awesome too.

And as it turns out, my friends were right.  I will eat kale now if I dress it exactly like True Food's Tuscan Kale salad.  Apparently, kale salad needs to be massaged to soften it up.  Who knew?

I have visions of high school here. 

The dressing is a pretty basic lemon garlic vinaigrette.  Simple and yummy.  I get so excited when food is simple and pure. 

The secret here is to toss.  Assertively and aggressively.  I used the tongs to squeeze and mash as much as possible.  Kale is pretty tough stuff.  

After about 1/2 hour, the dressing breaks down the kale to a tender lemony garlic delight.  It still tastes like kale, but good kale.   

The best part of this salad is that it refrigerates well which makes a perfect weekday office lunch.  What other green salad can you dress and pack away in the fridge only to find it the next day exactly as you left it?  I'm a bit of a convert. 

Parmesan Kale Salad
adapted from Whole Living

2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 bunch kale, ribs removed and leaves sliced into 1/4-inch shreds
1 tbsp homemade garlic croutons, crushed
1/4 cup finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano

  1. Add lemon juice, oil, garlic, salt, and pepper flakes. 
  2. Add kale to a large bowl, top with dressing and toss well to coat.   Let sit at room temperature for 10 to 30 minutes tossing periodically.  
  3. Add grated cheese and breadcrumbs and toss before serving.


Lila said...

Welcome back to the internet! :) True Food Kitchen is one of my favorite restaurants. We have one here in Santa Monica and I go at least twice a month. This salad is one of my absolute favorites and I didn't like Kale before either. :)

Anonymous said...

I am on a kale kick for sure. I made another salad and it was tough but I didn't mind. Good to know that beating the kale up helps!

Lila said...

I love kale and oddly enough, so do my kids when its in a green smoothie. This looks wonderful!

Lila said...

Thank you! I always have kale in the fridge for smoothies but didn't know about massaging the leaves. This was super yummy and I have enough for lunch tomorrow!

Lila said...

My daughter really likes kale but my son hates the stuff. This meal would be a house divider for sure! I think it looks great!

Bronwyn said...

Making this tonight!!!!

Lila said...

We have a TF and this is one of my favorite menu items. I especially love how lemon shines through in the dressing. This is so good. :)

Lila said...

We have a TF and this is one of my favorite menu items. I especially love how lemon shines through in the dressing. This is so good. :)

Lila said...

I made this yesterday and wanted to tell you how good it was! My best friend is an avid green food hater and even she admitted that she didn't hate this which is a start I guess!