Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cookbook #52 Eating Cuban

I haven't forgotten this project--I do plan to get through each and every cookbook eventually. Really.

This time around I grabbed Eating Cuban off my bookshelf. It's been there over a year and never seen a bit of action. I am so sorry little cookbook.

I have a soft spot for ethnic cookbooks--knowing that each one is an opportunity to take a peek into another food culture keeps me gravitating towards anything that even hints at the exotic. With the US/Cuba relationship issues, glimpses into Cuba seems almost like a guilty pleasure. I once actually wondered for a (very, very brief) second when the ship captain announced we could the Cuba coastline off in the distance, if we were allowed to look at it. The glimpses into the Havana street food alone is well worth the price of this book.

I chose to make a coconut, pineapple slaw that I'd marked when I first brought the book home. It was definitely better in concept than execution. All I can say is that it's not all that much like eating coleslaw. The pineapple and coconut kept making me think it needed marshmallows--like those ambrosia salad thingies have, but it was still crunchy like coleslaw. My mind just couldn't get over this combo. I won't even post recipe as I'm not encouraging anyone to try this at home. While this recipe wasn't a hit, I have quite a few more marked in this book for trial.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

yeah!!! the cookbooks are back