Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sleeping In?

I overheard someone at church last night explain to another that the Saturday evening service was for those who liked to sleep in on Sunday. This is not necessarily true. The first Sunday morning service starts in half an hour and this morning I've already been to the gym and made a bit of jam (same as the cherry, and with the no sugar needed pectin. It's happiness in a jar really).

So the Saturday evening service? Entirely more noble than just sleeping in--one day each week where I have absolutely no requirement or need to blow dry my hair or do my makeup. Yep. Okay so I'll admit it's the same thing as wanting to sleep in. But a girl really just needs a day in sweats...


Leslie said...

i love a day in the jammies!! and that jam looks so good. What a pretty color

Liz said...

Bubba was on my lap as your page loaded. He said yum! You deserve a sweats day.

Melody said...

Oh, I LOVE raspberry mom used to make it from our fresh raspberry bushes in our backyard...SO good!!