Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby Love

Every once in awhile, a little motivation flows through these veins.  Remember these jelly rolls? 

Well, they finally met their destiny.  

Getting me near a sewing machine does require some super duper extra special person or occasion.  My sister provided both.  Were we all really this small at some point?  Girlfriend doesn't even fit newborn clothes but this is okay because nakie babies are the best.  Better access to smelling them of course.

Pattern was modified from Amy Butler's Mid Mod Quilt.


Leslie said...

oh Mary she is precious...what a lucky auntie you are!!! so tiny!!! you have outdone yourself with this little quilt for her...well done my friend!

Anonymous said...

So very cute. And great job on the quilt. You are talented


Brown Family Blog said...

oh my word, Mary! That quilt is scrumptious but that baby is even scrumptious-er!!! :O)

Colleen said...

I love that fabric. What a lucky little baby. She's beautiful too. :)

Melody said...

super cute baby and super cute quilt!