Monday, May 3, 2010

Si Satchanalai

Despite the fact that they are brown, and really don't pop color in photographs, I love, love, love ruins. Give me the opportunity to visit old and decrepit buildings on vacation over new and modern architecture and hip nightclubs any day.  Assuming a requirement that the sites are snake free, I say the older and mustier the better. That's the medieval history student speaking.

Sukhothai, the Thai capital during the 13th century, is an oft visited site in Northern Thailand, mainly because it has so very many ruins still intact.  Just a bit outside of Sukhothai is of the vassal town of Si Satchanalai with some impressive ruins of its own.  An entire civilization lived, loved and died here.  Children laughed and babies giggled.   Little boys and girls dreamed of their futures.  Men and women fought bravely to protect their homes. Many died violent deaths doing so. Mothers cried when they lost children.    Hearts were broken, lovers were separated and now only the ruins remain. All is vanity.  Seriously--history is just good stuff.

People did not ride their bikes across narrow suspension bridges back then.  They knew better. And stupid tourists with cameras did not stand between bikes and the other side of the bridge.  They knew better as well.

And completely unrelated... Little Oliver says...

Please Sir, I want some more....
I love this kid.


Anonymous said...

ha i love it! she is super cute. the other pics are fun too!


Monica said...

I heart ruins too! Though my trips often don't consist of them, I do love the history behind them. And I love the Peanut pic:)

Melody said...

wow - those ruin pictures are incredible - what always amazes me is how much labor went into building those structures and they did it without any of our modern day equipment - and they're still standing (more or less)

super cute pic of your peanut too!!

Colleen said...

The ruins are amazing. I'm so jealous! And, like you said, snake free is always best.