Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hanging Lake

If your friends happen to say "Hey let's go hiking up in Glenwood Canyon this weekend--there's a relatively easy trail we've been wanting to hike" well, just be warned because they might be lying.

Spending a day in Glenwood Canyon may sound like a beautiful way to spend the afternoon,
but when you get to the trailhead, you may just find that your friends have a bad case of liar, liar, pants on fire.

When the trail starts off immediately with rocks, I'm believing the sign and not my friends.

But as it turns out, it's only a little over a mile up to Hanging Lake from the trailhead. One mile hikes I can get on board with. Truth be told, I'd rather ascend quickly and steeply rather than ramble on for hours.

And I can say without hesitation that Hanging Lake is worth the hike . Though it says it's a difficult trail, there were people of all ages making the trip. If a woman can carry her 6 year old on a sling on this trail, I'm thinking anyone can do it. It's a super short trip up, and there are even some railings to keep you from tumbling right over the steep ledge at the top. when you reach the top, you are rewarded with amazing waterfalls and a crystal clear lake.

Water cascading at 1/400 shutter speed

And slowing it down to 1/10.

What's not especially well marked is a little rock trail that takes you up to the most spectacular waterfall of them all.

With a little cavern where you can walk behind the waterfall...

Hiking down is just as beautiful as the hike up.


Leslie said...

hiking down is always the best part!!! these pictures are amazing. the water is so beautiful.

Chris said...

Nice pictures. That 1/10 one looks like the tree on the right side is growing upside down.

Brown Family Blog said...

how beautiful! I will have to make sure Jeremy sees these. He misses the "real" mountains. :O) And oh my goodness, a woman carrying a 6 yr old in a sling!?!?!?!?!?!

Ashley said...

WOW, camping and hiking all in the same month...this is a totally new Mary! I hiked up there a few years ago, it takes an hour to get up and 10 min to come down! Beautiful pics, esp the one where you slowed down the shutter speed.

Mary said...

Ha--not participating in the annual camping trip is actually a new me. That's all you get this year. I sleep in beds until next summer. ;)