Friday, December 4, 2009


Blogging has been pushed to the back of my priority list recently and really, with a bazillion amazing bloggers out there, who's going to miss a few less food and craft photos?  But alas, I received an e-mail this morning from family in Thailand...."we follow your blog."  And I've neglected posting the family photos which I'm sure is the entire reason they would follow the blog.  Here they are--with a little plug on how much I adore my new 85mm prime lens.  Shallow depth of field, perfectly proportioned facial features and what about that bokeh?  Canon, you are my friend.

Hope your Thanksgivings were as wonderful!



Canon is sister's friend too.

Don't tell my family I posted this photo...but I so prefer candids over posed. Look at the personalities in this one....


Monica said...

I was waiting for your Thanksgiving post too - not for the pictures of course, but because I truly do love reading what you have to say.

Oh my, and look at my belly in the candid! Thank goodness I have a baby to blame for that one:)

I'll be patiently waiting for your lenses when you are ready to sell.

judi.0044 said...

What lovely photos. Thanks for posting - finally. :)

karen said...

Beautiful family! I'm jealous of your camera. But honestly if I did have one of those I wouldn't know what to with it.haha! You on the other hand are amazing with 85mm's.

Leslie said...

these are all such great pictures. you all are a very photogenic lot.