Sunday, August 10, 2014

Climbing Giotto's Bell Tower in Florence

Viewing a city from above is always a must do for a one-of-a-kind view in my opinion and yet I skipped this last time I was in Florence.  You can climb both the bell tower and the duomo on the same ticket if you are ultra ambitious and a rock star, which I am not.  I opted for the bell tower this time around so I could see the duomo from up high.  True to yesterday's post, I was in line at exactly 8:29 and those of us who were there at opening, headed right on up those 7.5 million stairs. 

Climb a tower at sea level, how hard can it be right?  While my lungs delighted in the abundance of oxygen, I'll admit to stopping at each level to take in the view and let my jello legs rest a bit.  Climbing this in August even in the morning, probably wasn't the most ideal time either.

Here's another advantage of early morning activities....this tower only has one staircase for up and down traffic. When you are heading up early in the morn, you pass no one on their way down.  There is a bit of a dance and repositioning on the way down as you pass others in this crazy narrow staircase.   If you are on your way down, you can press yourself up against the wall on the right where the steps are the widest--those coming up have that itty bitty narrow stair which feels even smaller when you are stepping on it.  While I don't have a fear of heights, I do have a phobia of clumsy people falling on top of me.  I can't imagine this staircase midday with so many people trying to pass each other.

The climb isn't actually all that bad, only around 400+ stairs.  The secret is climbing up behind a grandmother so you can go as slow and steady as she is without anyone knowing you can barely keep up with her.  There are little peep holes with phenomenal views along the way.  

There are also multiple levels along the way where you can stop and take in the view. 

Almost to the top

Et voila.  I know climbing the duomo is a bigger bucket list item but you can't get this view from the top of the duomo. Did you know that Brunelleschi lost to Ghiberti in the the contest to create the baptistry doors?  He had to settle for building this little 'ole could one period be so full of  so many accomplished masters? 

Yep, absolutely worth the climb. 


Leslie said...

thank you for all of these beautiful pictures. it gives me a chance to see something i know i will never see with my own eyes. you are a very lucky woman. i can not wait to "see" more of your trip

Lila said...

We waited 3 hours to climb up to the top of the duomo once and it was so blistering hot. We didn't have the choice though because our train didn't arrive until midmorning but I would have loved to have skipped those 3 hours. At the time I remember wishing that we'd climbed the bell tower instead because I always wanted the photo of the top of the duomo and it never even crossed my mind that we'd need to climb a different building to get that vantage point. And then of course we were too tired to try the bell tower after. The view from the top of either though is really amazing. Love how you captured the walk up.

Lila said...

We didn't climb either steps because they both looked so big and now you are making me wish I'd done so. Wow what a view and what gorgeous pictures!

Lila said...

Amazeballs! I love Florence and love your pictures. Thanks for taking us with you!

Lila said...

Keep up the posts, I am living through your pictures and taking notes for our fall trip to Italy! Thanks for sharing!

Lila said...

I am afraid of heights but the view up there looks wonderful. I've tried so many times to climb towers but that along with claustrophobia means I don't ever get to go up. I'll just enjoy your pictures!

Lila said...

So fantastic I can't even stand it! Hope you are having fun!

sophia said...

I climbed this tower too! It's fun to see you post pictures that are just like all the sites we saw on our trip to Italy. Please keep them coming.

Lila said...

I didn't even know we could climb to the top so am kicking myself here. I thought the long line was just to see the cathedral. I guess this is another add on for the next trip. Beautiful view!

Lila said...

This looked so exciting and promising if only hadn't posted photos of the stairs. I'm pretty sure theres no way I'd get on those stairs and definitely no way (or room) for another to pass me. Bummer.

Lila said...

We've said we were going to climb the last two times we were in Florence but the line was so incredibly long. It's good to hear that it's not so bad early in the morning. We'll be waking up a bit early next time for sure.

Lila said...

I totally agree on seeing a city from a high point. My favorite shots were taken at the top of the eiffel tower and the top of the empire state building. I'm adding this next!

Lila said...

So pretty!

Lila said...

Okay I didn't even know you could climb one or the other. Now my husband wants to climb the duomo because it's the duomo but I want to climb the bell tower because of the view that includes the duomo. There's no way we'd do both in the same day.