Saturday, August 16, 2014

Welcome to Lucca

One week in Lucca and I'm settling in.  I've unpacked my one little suitcase in my little space and spent the last week in Italian class coming to realize that being around people speaking Italian does not magically infuse you with the language.   Language osmosis is a big fallacy started by someone whose pants were on fire.  

A lot of people ask me how I came to choose Lucca of all places in Italy.  Truthfully, it was pretty much based on a single day spent here a few years ago.  It's small enough for small town feel, not too touristy (though it seems to be more touristy than I remember) and central enough to have pretty good access to public transportation.  Lucca's language school also gets excellent reviews and after just a week, I can see why.  The school itself really is total immersion--I've gone on two city tours/walks with the them outside of classroom hours in which they spoke Italian only.  I have no idea what they are saying about 80-85% of the time but I can hear the word differentiation in the sentences now.  That's the first step right?  

I've yet to visit an Italian city that is less than gorgeous so I'll let that go unsaid about Lucca.  While I've yet to really get to know the city, I'm already more in love with its charm.   

Lucca's center is completely encircled within its perfectly preserved 16th century walls.  Gotta love walled towns. 

And will cobblestone streets and Italian architecture ever get old?

Or piazza's where kids really do play soccer in the afternoons?

Lucca's Piazza dell'Anfiteatro's roots date back to b.c. and sits on the site of the original Roman amphitheater.  I'll stop with the history stuff soon--but seriously how cool is anything b.c.?  Julius Caesar visited Lucca.  Yeah, there's a pretty good chance I won't quit with the history all that soon--it still blows me away. 

I think I can spend a couple of very relaxed and comfortable months here in Lucca. 

Things I learned in my first week:

1.  Italian REALLY does have similarities to French and Spanish.  While there's a bit of confusion to overcome between pronunciation and spelling, it's encouraging to see how many words can be guessed at based on knowing the french or spanish equivalent.   
2. Lucca's fully intact Renaissance walls never needed to be used in warfare. 
3.  Italy is not quite ready for the musical genius of Pitbull.  Sad. 


random and sometimes thoughtless said...

Amazing as ever Mary! Keep up with the history it's amazing the perspective it provides

Leslie said...

this is so cool! what a beautiful and charming place. fact 3 is pretty random!

Lila said...

Did you ever mention in an earlier blog that you were going to Lucca? I'm guessing not because I would have jumped up and down and commented earlier. I've been following your recipes for a long time now but can I tell you how excited I am that you are in Lucca my favorite Italian city? I am so excited to read your posts and see your pictures. We spent one week there two years ago and are planning to rent a villa outside of Lucca next year. It's a gorgeous area and can't wait to read about your adventures!

Lila said...

What a lovely place! We almost went to Lucca when we were in Tuscany but opted to stay in Florence an extra day. The photos are beautiful and I'm a little disappointed that we didn't go. I guess theres always next time.

Lila said...

I've never heard of Lucca can you believe that? My friend was over when I pulled this up to show her your photos and she said Lucca was one of her favorite places. Between the two of you, you will convince me to visit myself. It looks beautiful so far but I'm looking forward to many more amazing photos of it!

Melody said...

all of your pictures are making me just sigh with looks absolutely amazing and I'm so excited for you!

Lila said...

Lucca is one of my favorite smaller towns in Italy. It is so amazing and beautiful that I'm sure you will love living there!

Monica said...

I am enjoying history bits. And the pics are amazing as ever. I'm so green with envy. Hope it is all you hoped for!

Lila said...

We loved Lucca and have it on our list of places to spend more time. We were so rushed on your vacation but it is such a beautiful town and worthy of a longer stay for sure! Gorgeous!

sophia said...

I loved catching up on your new life. It looks wonderful and hope you are having a wonderful time in that beautiful place!

Lila said...

I'm so glad you are settling in. I'm ashamed to admit I've never heard of Lucca but you are right, all things in Italy are gorgeous!