Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Puppy Party

When you don't have kids to plan fun parties for, you have puppy birthdays.  No apologies here, it's just what you do.  What might be sad is that between dog day care, dog parks and dog events,  I've spent a lot more energy ensuring that Brooklyn is well socialized, than I have myself.  In the end though, no one wants a crazy unsocialized dog right?   Crazy maybe, but never unsocialized.

So with all of Brooklyn's new friends, how could I not celebrate her birthday...she's a one year old peanut now.  Oh I'm so weepy.  I think she had a good first birthday.

A little playtime with her peeps...

A little inappropriate behavior that no puppy or human parent ever wants to witness....

A little puppy pouting because someone didn't want to have her picture taken....

And of course some cake.  Or really meatloaf in this case.  I called a few dog bakeries but no one made wheat free cakes.  I found some recipes using rice flour, but in the end I realized that birthday cake would really be for my benefit--Brooklyn hates biscuits and other cookie like treats.  Eats cat poo, but dramatically spits out's so (not) endearing really.

Birthday girls should get the kind of cake they want, even if they are bratty and will not want to take a picture with it. 

And of course lots of presents, because you're only one once. All this has me fearing that if I were a mother, I'd be an overindulgent one. 

Puppy Birthday Meatloaf Cake

1 lb ground beef
1/2 lb baby carrots cooked, pureed and cooled
1 egg
1/4 cup rice flour (or bread crumbs, oats or other binder)
3 large potatoes
1/2 cup cottage cheese

Preheat oven to 400 and grease a 6 inch cake pan
Combine ground beef, carrots, egg and rice flour.   Press into pan
Bake for 30 mins and allow to cool.

For "frosting":
Peel potatoes and cut into thirds
Boil on med heat for 20 mins or until fork tender
Add cottage cheese, and mash together until creamy.  You may need to add water or milk. 


Lila said...

So cute. I have kids and we celebrate both of our dogs birthdays every year. And thanks for the meatloaf idea. I secretly suspect my guys would prefer that too.

Bronwyn said...

So many Bostons in one place is a happy site indeed! Poor Brooklyn though being accosted on her birthday!

I made Riley's cake last year and he eats everything, but a meatloaf cake sounds pretty fun!

Monica said...

Hey where was my invite for Brooklyn's party? I feel a bit shunned....

Happy Birthday Brooksie!

Lila said...

Haha. No parent does want to see that and especially at one! Looks like she had a fantastic party. FYI-we have them for our dogs too. They become so much a part of your family even if you do have kids.

Lila said...

My neighbors dog just had an accidental litter of Boston Terriers and I've been so tempted. Have to say these pics may have pushed me right over. They are so cute!

Ellie said...

happy 1st birthday to that cutie patootie doggie! meatloaf cake would go over pretty well here, but my dog is pretty much a hoover. funny that Brooklyn spits out any food. :)

sophia said...

Of course dogs need birthday parties, especially for their 1 year! Cute pictures! We celebrate every year and my husband gets more into it than I do if that's possible.

Lila said...

Nothing wrong with overindulgence on birthdays. It's a rule in our house actually.

What is with dogs and cat poo anyway? My dog thinks it's better than treats. Yuck.

Gena @ A Bluebonnet in Beantown said...

I had to drop by when I saw that uber-adorable face. Cuteness overload!! Happy birthday, Brooklyn!

(And yes...what exactly is the allure of cat poo? We used to call the litter box "the buffet." Bleck. One of the many mysteries of the world.)

Melody said...

I can't believe your baby is already 1 year old!! Time flies ~ I'm glad to have the meatloaf cake recipe - I might have to do that for Dave's upcoming 8th birthday instead of the usual b-day cake :)

Love the hippo toy...and I'm SO glad you've joined the land of 'crazy' dog owners. :) I feel validated after all these years! :)

Lila said...

happy birthday brooklyn! we are right there with you in that we have an actual party for our beagle each year. We justify it by saying it's for the humans to get together but there sure are a lot of dog treats and gifts. :)

Anonymous said...


Lila said...

happy Birthday to the cutie puppy! Birthday cake is a must.

Lila said...

Awww. Happy birthday brooklyn!!

Lila said...

cute photos! We have birthdayparties for our girls every year.

Lila said...

what a doll! I had a BT when I was a kid and if my kids weren't allergic, we'd get one. I love that smush face!