Monday, July 11, 2011

Rosemary Potato Pizza

I can almost hear my father's voice now..."potato pizza?  Do you ever eat normal food?"  Think of it more as a rosemary potato focaccia if it helps.   The combination of the crispy crust, tender potato, rosemary and salty cheese makes for a pretty fabu appetizer I think.  Serve it up with a side of olive tapenade and you can almost smell the European air outside...heck, you might as well pour some sangria and take a siesta.

In my new found pledge to avoid making pizza dough after using storebought dough on the Thai Chicken Pizza, I bought the rosemary dough at Fresh and Easy. How cool is that they have rosemary dough?

They key to this is ensuring that the potatoes are sliced pretty thin as you'll need them to cook through in the 15 mins that the pizza is baking in the oven.  Food processor can be your good friend here.

I'm a huge fan of Trader Joes shaved cheese. 

Rosemary Potato Pizza

1 storebought dough--I used rosemary, but alternately, you can just sprinkle some rosemary over the dough and olive oil.
3 small red potatoes scrubbed well (or peeled) and sliced thin
olive oil
parmesan--as much or as little as you want 
rosemary for sprinkling
coarse sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
  1. Rinse potatoes in water to remove excess starches.  Dry.
  2. Lightly oil baking sheet
  3. Stretch dough to approx 1/4 inch thickness and place in pan
  4. Drizzle with olive oil
  5. Lay potatoes across dough, slightly overlapping
  6. Drizzle with additional oil and sprinkle with rosemary
  7. Top with cheese and sprinkle with coarse sea salt and pepper
  8. Bake at 400 until crust is golden brown, about 15 minutes


Lila said...

Rosemary and potatoes are one of my favorite flavor combinations but unfortunately for me, my hubs does not agree. I always have a huge pot in the yard. :) I'm going to make this anyway. Maybe I'll be nice and leave the rosemary off of half.

Lila said...

My fiance is a midwestern boy and he feels the same way about some of my creations. Spaghetti should always have red meat sauce. :) I love the variety. This looks great!

Lila said...

ohhhh. the sangria and the tapenade and rosemary and some fresh cheeses with a siesta afterwards? We are definitely missing something in the US in that regards!

sophia said...

I had potato pizza with roasted red peppers at a cafe in DC once and it was absolutely amazing. I'm a big rosemary lover. Well done!

Nicole said...

That sounds delicious and is such an original idea. It's pretty exciting that our pizza dough could help star in that creation - and you made it look so pretty in your pictures, too!

-Nicole (social media mgr @ Fresh & Easy)

Lila said...

I think potato pizza sounds out of this world tasty! Rosemary is a hit or miss herb I learned. I'm the only one in our family who likes it, but I bet I could eat this whole pizza myself anyway. ;)

Lila said...

Sounds fantastic. You have such self control with the cheese. I would cover it in layers and layers of cheese.

Melody said...

this looks SO good! I agree about the cheese comment above - I'd add a bunch more :)

Mary said...

Ah yes, more cheese is always delightful. Maybe some of the oozy-melty kind as well...

Bronwyn said...

Love this recipe! I have a crazy rosemary bush growing in my front yard and can rarely find recipes for it. I also love the grilled peach and rosemary recipe you had a while back!

Leslie said...

oh my goodness this sounds so simple and so so amazing....i think i am going to have to make some of this

Lila said...

rosemary and potato was one of my mom's signature "things" she found a way to combine them all the time. I think I'll be making this for some childhood memories!