Friday, July 8, 2011

Red Wine Sangria

Everyone is exhausted it seems.  Fathers are exhausted.  Working mothers are exhausted.  Stay at home moms are exhausted.  Heck, I recently heard a stay at home wife comment on how exhausted she was.  So I won't bore you and pretend this working girl has any monopoly on exhaustion. 
I bet you thought I was going to offer some profound solution to the exhaustion right?  Sorry.  But I will offer up a wicked good sangria recipe.  Alcohol is not the solution.  Sangria sure is tasty though--and this is one of my favorites.  The Norwegian Sun has a tapas bar...I made a trip there almost every night for tapas and sangria. This "recipe" for the alcohol and fruit juice base is similar to a recipe they shared.  The fruit combinations are all yours--I can't think of one fruit that wouldn't be phenomenal in here.

Yep, everyone is exhausted.

Red Wine Sangria

One bottle red wine chilled--I use cheapo...3 buck chuck is perfect for this.
1/4 cup brandy
3/4 cup triple sec
1 can sprite (or ginger ale)
1 1/2 cups OJ
any combination of sliced/diced fruit

1. mix
2. drink


Lila said...

Mix and drink are my favorite kinds of recipes! I remember loving the sangria on the norwegian sun cruise and I meant to copy the recipe but never did. Thanks for sharing and hope you don't hear any of those words all weekend!

Melody said...

Yum, yum, yum! I was recently introduced to the 'cheater girls' version of Sangria, not as good as your concoction, but in a pinch, it will work! I'll post it sometime once I'm settled in my new home :)

Bonjour! said...

,,,sangria a fav in the summer time,,,had a really tasty sangria the other night!,,,thanks for your recipe,,,

Lila said...

dogs are probably the most exhausted......they do lead quite a stressful life. ;) I could drink sangria's sweet fruitiness everyday.

Colleen said...

Yum. Leslie made some pretty potent and really yummy white wine sangria on the fourth.

Ellie said...

I love red and white and all sangria. We made it once with peach nectar and it was so delicious! Perfect use of two buck chuck!

Anonymous said...

the sangria on Norwegian sun was very memorable!

Lila said...

Sangria and summer go together hand in hand. We love white wine sangria with peaches too. Love the citrus in this one!

Lila said...

This lookes amazing! Hope you had a relaxing weekend!

atvmtngirl said...

Sounds delicious! Miss you!!

Monica said...

I could drink this all day and night. Yummy!

Lila said...

cute puppy pictures are the best!

Lynn said...

It is nice to know that my recipe for sangria is exactly the same. But, of course it would be. Lately, though, I have been using white wine instead of a red. I like them both equally.

The problem with making sangria, though, is that people seem to drink much more of it than just a plain glass of wine. It is the one thing that I serve that I usually run out of. I don't have enough big pitchers to accommodate a crowd, so I have been making it in big pretzel containers from Costco.