Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Snickers Cupcakes


Food Network magazine had a feature on candy bar cupcakes quite awhile back  I fully intended to give it a go but time got away from me.  Not sure why...how bad does Butterfinger, Almond Joy, Reeses, Nestle Crunch or Peppermint Patty Cupcakes sound?  I find myself constantly surprised by food I forgot existed.  I haven't eaten one of those gooey candy bars from youth in ages.  I'm not sure how you can forget really, since the checkout aisle is one big candy bar lane, but I think I've zoned that whole aisle out.  So have to say I was super excited to buy some Snickers and give this recipe a go...I'd also forgotten how much I love those stinkin Snickers.

My one hesitation with the recipe was with the cupcake itself--I have dry cupcake fear.  Instead of taking the risk, I opted for a tried and true vanilla cupcake recipe, and then folded in the peanuts. 

Did it taste like a Snickers?  Yes and no.  The topping was very candy bar-esque but it was missing a bit of caramel.  And while the peanut cupcake was tasty, next time I make it, I think I'd opt for a chocolate cupcake and maybe a caramel drizzle.    But still, not too shabby as it was and since it called for salted peanuts, it had that chocolaty sweet salty combo that I love.

Snickers Cupcakes
adapted from Food Network magazine

2 sticks of butter at room temp
2 cups of sugar
4 eggs at room temp
1 1/2 cups self rising flour
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup of whole milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups chopped salted roasted peanuts

Nougat frosting:
2/3 cup peanut butter
2 jars marshmallow fluff 

Chocolate Frosting:
1 bag semisweet chocolate chips
2 1/2s cup powdered sugar confectioners' sugar
1/4 cup whole milk
1 stick unsalted butter, softened
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt

5-6 mini snickers bars chopped

  1. Position a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 350 degrees F. Line 24 muffin papers into 2 muffin pans .
  2. In medium bowl whisk the flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl.
  3. In large bowl beat the butter until smooth.  Add sugar and beat until fluffy.
  4. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Beat in vanilla extract. 
  5. With the mixer on low speed, add half of the flour mixture, the milk and then the remaining flour. Fold in the peanuts but don't overmix.
  6. Using ice cream scoop, fill each muffin tin about half way. Bake until a toothpick inserted into a cupcake comes out clean or about 17 to 20 minutes.
  7. Let cool in the pans 10 minutes, then transfer to racks to cool completely.
  8. Make the nougat frosting: Beat the marshmallow creme, peanut butter with a mixer until smooth; set aside.
  9. Make the chocolate frosting: Put both chocolates in a large microwave-safe bowl and microwave on 50 percent power until soft, about 1 minute. Stir, then continue to microwave until melted, 1 to 2 more minutes.
  10. Add the confectioners' sugar, milk, butter, vanilla and salt and beat with a mixer until smooth and creamy.
  11. Spread nougat frosting over each cupcake, then top with chocolate frosting, leaving some of the nougat exposed.
  12. Garnish with chopped snickers


Bonjour! said...

,,,YUMMY!,,,i don't dare make these sweets i would polish them all off,,,love the new header photos and the turquoise/red color combo, two of my favorites,,,

Lila said...

I remember this issue well! I made the peppermint patty cupcakes for my hubs and they were so divinely yummy! I was going to try the butterfinger ones sometime, but now I'm thinking snickers!

Lila said...

My best friend is a snickers fanatic. This will make a perfect bday cake for her and I think I'll take your suggestion to try a chocolate cake and drizzle caramel! Yummeeeeeee!

Lila said...

Seriously yummy! I'm a bit sad to admit that I never forget how much I love Snickers or any other candy bar.

Bronwyn said...

Love your new header and the frilly apron/torn jeans juxtaposition! And Snickers would be my favorite in the candy bar world too, except Reeses might be up there.

Ellie said...

I would be a very popular mommy and wife if I made these. Do they have the other candy bar cupcake recipes on their website I wonder? Butterfingers are pretty big in our house.

sophia said...

I wish I'd forget about Snickers but we always have the snack size bars in our house. the entire candybar families actually, we're not that particular.

These look like the next thing that will be coming out of my oven!

Lila said...

I'm guessing these would go in no time for my small groups. Thanks for the recipe!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

don't know why I always do that.

I was saying I love your header! It's so fun and colorful! These cupcakes look so scrumptious!

Lila said...

I love all things Peanut. These look unbelievably good!

Lila said...

OMG!! Candy bar plus cupcake is a perfect combination! Love the chocolate cupcake idea!

Bronwyn said...

We alwyas have bags and bags of the "snack size" hershey and snicker bars. Unfortunately, when you eat 3 at a time, they are no longer snack size. :) If I put them on a cupcake, then maybe it only counts as one snack size? These look so delightful!

Lila said...

I made these same ones and they were fabulous! I love Food Network magazine and I love the idea of chocolate cupcakes instead!

Lila said...

Love these! Came right over when I saw them on Foodgawker. YUMMY!

Lila said...

they are so lovely. I just love the photos--stunning!

Monica said...

oh my those look super dee duper! Snickers are my fave candy bar ever.

Melody said...

Love your new header pix ~ so colorful!!

Lisa said...

Snickers is my favorite candy bar. I would devour a cupcake like this in an instant.

atvmtngirl said...

Yum! This makes me want to try cooking just so I could taste these :)

Lila said...

These are awesome! gong to try them for my hubby's bday!

Lila said...

Snickers cupcakes?!?!?! Yes please!!! Awesome!

Lila said...

Made these for my nephews birthday last weekend. Huge hit! They were so delicious!