Saturday, July 2, 2011

Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay

I love toddlers...I love the way they waddle and tip and swagger and well...toddle.  I also love how they start to assert their individualism and show their personalities.  They take their first steps, and they think they can take on the world.  Now that Chipmunk has started walking (and running really) she thinks that places such as the Shark Reef Aquarium inside Mandalay Bay were built just for her. Perhaps they were.


Lila said...

aquariums are one of our favorite places to visit! My kids could go to ours everyday and never tire.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a super fun place! happy 4th of July weekend to you and family!

Lila said...

She's getting so big! We visited Shark Reef on our last trip to Vegas and the kids loved it! We live in smalltown so they rarely see fun things like this.

sophia said...

Cutie girl! I think aquariums are so peaceful.

Lila said...

they are sooooo much fun at that age and their little personalities are the best!

Ellie said...

Such cute pictures! Happy 4th weekend!

Lila said...

What a cutie!

Lila said...

Cutie patootie! I am going to also comment on the beautiful lens you are holding--jealous!! I'm thinking of buying one (it's the 70-200mm right?) Which version do you have and do you love it?

Monica said...

Awww...wanna see her toddle this weekend? Let's get together...yeah yeah yeah...