Sunday, July 31, 2011


I always thought I wasn't the California type.  Somewhere along the line, I'd somehow decided you were either an east coast type or a west coast type.  I've been to LA a couple of times and didn't immediately fall in love.  Seattle's pretty phenomenal, but everyone tells me I'd tire of the rain in no time, though I doubt it.  The east coast however...L..O..V...E.  Sometimes I miss living in NY.  If it really is an either/or decision, I'd already staked my line in the sand. And while the beaches on the east coast aren't like those sandy white beaches of California, I'd take the sand dunes of Cape Cod or the rocky beaches of Maine any day. 

When California is only a short drive away, you have to go right? That 2-3 hour proximity to other cities is one of the things I miss most about NY. 

You'd think that taking a dog somewhere would be easy.  It probably is for those people who understand that dogs are just dogs.  In this house, the dog's bag size and weight exceeded the human's bag weight and size.  Even I know there is something wrong with that.

Reason number one for going to CA....

If you are thinking I'm kidding, you'd be wrong.  I just moved to a town that doesn't have a Crate & Barrel and it was a little rough at first.  I thought my sister was joking when I asked her where the closest Crate & Barrel was and she said "California"--my narrow little mind really thought no town could survive without this completely "essential" store.  (You can btw, you just have to be resourceful and use UPS....)

As it turns out, I think I kind of am a California type of person.  You can like both coasts right?  It could be that living in the desert has pushed my sanity at times so I truly appreciate the green lushness that was CA.  I know I am so blessed with the career opportunity that I have and I am so thankful.  The real estate market here is out of control spectacular if you are a buyer.  I also know that Vegas has outstanding access to entertainment and phenomenal restaurants--much better than Denver. I know how awesome that is.  I really do and I appreciate it.   But sometimes when I'm driving home, or shopping homes and neighborhoods, I'm looking at these desert landscapes wondering if a person can actually die from tree and grass withdrawal. 

California on the other was like magic just being there and we were nowhere near the beach.  Just one night in California and I was outside every moment I could be.  Walks in the rain, walks under tree lined sidewalks and paths and sitting in the grass, just because it was there...yes, I could definitely love California.  Our hotel even felt California with it's Jamba Juice smelling lobby and music going even at 5:30  in the morning. 

Brooklyn wasn't complaining.  It took her all of 2 minutes to decide she loved it.

And of course, waxing nostalgic for grass, greenery and scenery is really just a way to hide the less nature-inspired reason we needed to go to California (aside from C&B)..

Teaching Chipmunk the importance of french fries in a well balanced diet.  Turns out it's in her blood and she already had it down like a pro.  Crate and Barrel + Ikea + California = perfect weekend indeed.  Increased Chipmunk photo opportunities during road trip is the icing on the cake. 


Melody said...

what a fun weekend trip ~ i'm glad i was far, far away from the Denver Ikea opening - it sounded a little crazy - heard the fire marshall shut the store down for 3 hrs on saturday b/c there were too many people in the store...

hope you got some fun things at C&B!!

love the last pic of Brooklyn...and Chipmunk is SO cute! :)

Lila said...

What a gorgeous chipmunk! And I do believe you can love both coasts equally. My husband is from San Diego but I'm a Rhode Island girl and we have a lot of fun in both hometowns!

Can I ask where you got your camera bag. Was looking for something girly but that has camera padding. Is it just a purse or is it really a camera bag?

Lila said...

East and west coast have such different vibes. Love the laid back west coast but agree with you on east coast beaches. I could live in the Hamptons with the windswept dunes and white fences.

Cutie patootie and she nailed Blue Steel for sure! She must be a pro.

Monica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monica said...

Oops...accidently deleted my comment. It is Monday morning.
LOVE the way the brick pics came out! Pretty darn cute - you have such an eye. When are we going back? I miss IKEA already....

Bronwyn said...

As a californian, i agree, it's pretty awesome out here! you should visit San Fran sometime too-we are a foodie paradise!

Cute pics of baby and puppy! Brooklyn seems to like the greenery of the California!

Ellie said...

New camera or old one? And where did you get that super cute camera bag?

Love all of the pics!

Lila said...

Blue steel. Ha ha ha!!!! She does a great blue steel!

California is so pretty. It's our favorite vacation spot but sometimes the "be healthy and drink wheatgrass only" vibes or comments are too much. It is very different from Boston(or the east coast).

sophia said...

Ikea! I make semiannual trips to the Chicago store. Love it. I've never been to a Crate and barrel though my friend raves. I'll have to give it a try.

Love these photos (and love your purse/camera bag). Is it a Jo totes?

Lila said...

Love all of the pictures! And definitely worth a drive if IKEA or C and B are on the other side!

Lila said...

they are so funny at that age chipmunk looks like a little ham! cute pics of her and of the puppy!

Mary said...

Thanks guys!

@Mel--I heard about the Ikea craziness. Of course I would move away mere months before one opened at the next exit right? I wondered about the traffic flow around Dry Creek when it opened...

@Tracy--thanks! The camera bag is a Jo Totes although it's one of the discontinued one. They have their newest design out on their web page.

@ Ellie--new camera and still haven't learned it. The bag is a discontinued style Jo Totes--cute purse style bags.

@ Sophia--it is a Jo Totes--good eye!

Lila said...

I go to Ikea every month. My husband doesn't understand it but I just tell him how much money we're saving. ;)

Fantastic photos!

Lila said...

Blue steel, funny! I haven't seen that movie in ages but I say she does a pretty mean blue steel.

I could live at Crate and Barrel. I could decorate my entire house with just C and B.

Bonjour! said...

,,,is the "lil punkin" available for purchase at C&B?,,,stinkin' cute, she is!,,,

atvmtngirl said...

What a fun trip! Still can't believe LV doesn't have a C&B! I am about to head off to the new Denver IKEA today...hopefully the crowds have died down. Your niece is so adorable and does a great Blue Steel impression! Miss you lots!